Niagara Falls Child Support Lawyers

A child’s well-being is of the utmost importance when legal issues arise, which affect the child’s welfare. As you are going through the divorce process, you want to know that you can receive sound legal advice from an experienced lawyer, for your benefit and for your child’s. At Martin Sheppard Fraser LLP, we are led by a skilled team of family lawyers. We assist clients throughout the Niagara region in family law matters such as divorce, custody, spousal support, property division and more.

Custody And Access

When custody and access is determined, the courts will look at a number of different factors. The most important part is that the courts will look out for the child’s best interests. The courts may award sole custody or joint custody to both parents, and then access will be determined based on custody arrangements. At Martin Sheppard Fraser LLP, we know the frustrations that our clients face during this process. We are here to provide support and act as your guide through this process. At our firm , you will receive sound legal advice.

Child Support

Child support is determined based on federal guidelines, which looks at the annual income of both parents and the number of children. While the guidelines are fairly straightforward, it is important to have a lawyer on your side who can explain the details of the guidelines. At Martin Sheppard Fraser LLP, we also assist our clients with the legal issues surrounding Section 7 expenses. This involves additional payments that can be negotiated based on outside activities such as sports, medical costs and more. Our Niagara Falls child support lawyers will help protect you and your child’s interests.